An easy way to embed any content from an external page (including tweets) is to use the following code:
<?php echo "<html><head>"; echo "<style> body { background: #FBFAF9; font-family: sans-serif; }"; echo "h4 {text-transform:capitalize; font-family: sans-serif;} h5 {text-transform:capitalize; font-family: sans-serif; color: grey; } </style>"; echo "</head><body>"; $data = file_get_contents(''); $data = explode("<div class=\"stream profile-stream\">", $data); $data = explode("<div class=\"grid hidden\">", $data[1]); $data = str_replace("</p>", "</p>", $data[0]); $data = explode("\n", $data); foreach ($data as $line) { $date = explode("data-long-form=\"true\">", $line);$date = explode("</span>", $date[1]);$article['date'] = $date[0];$title = explode("<p class=\"js-tweet-text tweet-text\">", $line);$title = explode("</p>", $title[1]);$article['title'] = $title[0];$articles[] = $article; } unset($articles[0]); unset($articles[count($articles)]); foreach ($articles as $markup) : ?><div class="entry"><h5><?=$markup['date'];?></h5><div style="width:270px"><?=$markup['title']?></div></div> <?php endforeach; ?>